May 6th, 2020
Harkness Screens Digital Panel – Screens for an Economic Restart
Using Microsoft Teams, sports and entertainment journalist Joe Harvey hosted an industry panel with some of Harkness Screens senior staff members. They discussed how Harkness Screens and cinema screens could help boost the economy when lockdown and social-distancing measures are lightened.
With many governments globally recommending the use of physical screens to safely reopen public venues, Harkness’ 90 years’ experience in making screens is relevant and important.
Joining Joe Harvey on the call was; Matt Jahans, Richard Mitchell, Laurent Espitalier, Nicolas Chiovini and Cody Polla.
Discussing how recent innovations by Harkness Screens, such as the development of face shields, medical barriers, PVC aprons and other innovations can be put to use in everyday environments, as well as possible future use of events screens.
Several orders of Harkness Screens’ innovations have been received in India. The Indian Navy, Bangalore Police and several local hospices have all received Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) manufactured by Harkness Screens.
With 90 years of experience in the cinema screens industry, Harkness Screens originally pioneered the use of PVC as a screen fabric, developed the first modeller apps for engineers and architects, as well as the use of Reality Capture to optimise a facility’s use.
Harkness has more recently launched the Technology group, their key objective to assist the reopening of cinemas globally. Matt Jahans heads the group up, with Nicolas Chiovini and Cody Polla working alongside him to achieve the groups objectives.
Between the three of them there is over 40 years of industry experience, with each of them having worked for some of the biggest industry names. Polla has worked as a contractor for Barco and GDC, having installed over 400 digital cinema screens in the past four years, whilst Chiovini has installed north of 100 digital systems having worked for Doremi and HTS.
Richard Mitchel has been with Harkness Screens since 2011 and in 2015 was extremely influential in the use of Reality Capture. Allowing for a 3D examination of a cinema’s environment, Reality Capture helps to optimise the auditoria, public areas and assets of any facility.
Finally, Laurent Espitalier joined Harkness Screens last November. With a wide knowledge of materials science, the Frenchman heads up Harkness’ R&D and as chief scientist. Espitalier has been at the heart of Harkness Screens’ development of PPE.
Click the link below to view Harkness Screens’ first digital industry panel discussing how the use of screens and other technologies utilised by Harkness Screens in their day to day operation could benefit the world.
Harkness Screens
Harkness Screens™ is the world’s leading screen technology company, specialising in the design and manufacture of projection screens and supporting technologies for cinema and live events. From single-screen independent theatres to large multiplexes to large format immersive theatre experiences or live events, Harkness supplies thousands of screens every year helping provide outstanding presentation experiences to audiences around the world.
With global reach, Harkness is regarded as the world leader in cinema and has screens in more cinemas worldwide than any other manufacturer. With its industry leading 2D and 3D screen brands (Perlux HiWhite, Clarus XC and Spectral) along with an innovative range of presentation monitoring tools, digital surveying services and suite of cinema design and specification apps, Harkness continues to lead the way in screen technology for cinema.
Founded in 1929, Harkness has manufacturing facilities in the USA, UK, France, India and China and combines unrivalled experience with the latest technology and production methods to provide innovative solutions to the company’s key markets. For more information, visit the Harkness Screens web page at
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