March 28th, 2022
Harkness Screens welcomes Sriram Sistla back to our growing team in India
It is with great delight that Harkness welcomes back Sriram Sistla to our Harkness team in India as Sales Director.
Sriram is well known and highly respected in the cinema industry and brings his experience and expertise back to Harkness’s customers.
Harkness grows it’s commercial team
Sriram joins an expanding India commercial team, with Rajesh Paktar (Director), Andrew Emmott (Associate Director Business Development) Subramaniam Muthu (Sales Support Manager), Gaganshree Muralidhara (Fulfilment Manager) and Dhanraj Patil (Sales Executive) and Hawama Noor (Sales Support Executive). Harkness is currently recruiting additional staff to enhance our team and to continue our reputation for excellent customer support and partnership.
Harkness’s commitment to India
Harkness remains committed to our partners and customers in India and to continued innovation and excellence in terms of our product portfolio and customer service.
Harkness product remains the premium choice
Our use of the highest quality European sourced raw materials, coupled with unique and innovative Harkness screen technologies, produced in India to the highest quality under Rinosh Raj (Head of Production India) ensures Harkness Screens remain leaders in the cinema industry.